A powerful game of cards

God often moves in ordinary ways. There are no grand gestures or powerful events, but seemingly everyday occurrences can lead to an eternity-transforming miracle.

One ordinary day in March, God worked through a conversation over a game of cards at Webber Street Day Centre to call Jack* into his Kingdom.

Jack is homeless and has been living on the streets for about eight years. For a while, he has been a regular guest at Webber Street. That particular day looked the same as the many others when Jack visited Webber Street: he walked into the Day Centre seeking nothing more than some food and a friendly game of cards.

Oana, a project worker at Webber Street, was there to begin a game with him. Friendly banter over a game of cards soon turned into a deeper conversation about faith.

“I shared the gospel with Jack and the reason why we need Jesus. I told him it is because we are all sinners,” she recalls. “He was so adamant that he was not a sinner. He insisted he had lived a sinless life. I was shocked and a little sad. How could anyone be so sure they were not flawed?”

Yet despite his initial dismissal, in the months that followed, Jack started questioning his actions and beliefs. It was as if seeds of truth had been planted in his heart, slowly taking root and prompting him to reconsider his stance. A few months later, he finally admitted to Oana that he was flawed, too.

“Oana, I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m a sinner too. I need forgiveness. What must I do?”

Oana was delighted to see Jack’s changed heart.

“How amazing is God? Here was what I thought was a dead-end conversation over cards. I was doing what we do here every day: caring for people and taking opportunities to share the best news we have.

“I didn’t think God would use that moment to work so powerfully in Jack’s heart. I could see the sincerity in his eyes, in his whole body. So could the other guests. Some of us gathered around him, and we prayed together.

“Jack admitted before God that he was a sinner who needed the forgiveness found in Jesus, and he repented. Saying before others that he was now going to follow Jesus.”

Jack began changing over the next few weeks. As his journey continued, his once steadfast denial of sin gave way to a newfound understanding of grace and forgiveness. It was evident in the way he carried himself, in the sincerity of his words, and the earnestness of his prayers.

“We have a Bible talk every morning before breakfast. Jack used to talk during those sessions. Now he is quieting the others who chat during it!” Oana says.

In the following weeks, Jack’s commitment to his faith remains steadfast. He sought opportunities to grow spiritually, wanting to connect with a local church and deepen his understanding of God’s word. His transformation was undeniable, a testament to the power of God’s love and grace.

Praise God for his love and mercy! Please pray for Jack: for protection, continued growth in love and knowledge of Jesus, and safe and permanent shelter. We are trying to find a church for him to go to that will welcome him as one of the family.

Please also pray for Oana and other Webber Street staff —that they will be inspired and encouraged by Jack’s testimony and continue to share the truth about Jesus in the knowledge that our God is a God of forgiveness, mercy, and everyday miracles.

*Name has been changed

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