Meals are being served in a beautifully restored hall giving guests a dignified welcome. A new boiler and extra shower cubicles enable more guests to keep clean and warm when the weather is biting cold.
Extra meeting rooms mean more opportunities for a guest to have 1-2-1 sessions. This might be with a staff member to help find employment or with a nurse to address a health concern.
This was more than a refurbishment project. It was a labour of love that showed our guests they were worth the investment. And it wouldn’t have been possible without prayerful and financial support from people like you. Thank you.
The staff and guests at the Webber Street Centre are incredibly grateful for your kindness. In their words, they would like to thank everyone who made this possible.
“We have met every request for showers thanks to the new refurbishment. It has meant so much to the guests to wash away the dirt from the street and warm their bodies frozen from the cold with a hot shower. Thank you. The refurbishment has given many the means to endure the winter,” says Dan, Webber Street Ministry Leader.
“I cannot thank people enough! This place looks so good, and the upgrade is helping us a lot. We would be in a far more difficult pace without the support of Webber Street. Thank you," says Sam, Webber Street guest.
“We’re very grateful that people were so generous to us so that we could restore this whole building. It looks great right now, and the guests have received it well. To all who have given so generously, thank you so much!” says Roberto, Webber Street project worker.
Julie, a long term Webber Street guest, was impressed with the new Centre.
“I think the refurbishment is very good. It’s greatly improved the space and will help everyone who comes to Webber Street. They do such a good job here. I want to thank everyone who donated to improve the facilities here. Your kind donations are greatly appreciated.”