Judah is, in many ways, your typical nine-year-old. He likes school because of his friends. Loves football and computer games. Could do without learning geography.
But encouraged by his parents, he did something extraordinary for a young boy of his age. He spent a night outside in the cold to raise awareness of homelessness and funds for LCM's ministry to people who are sleeping rough in London.
He never imagined sleeping outside with strips of cardboard to protect him from the cold ground, but when his mother discovered the Big Winter Sleepout online, he knew it was something he wanted to do.
"My mum got this link in an email, and she thought it was a great idea for us to help," Judah explains. "We decided, yeah, we were going to go."
Judah had always been aware of the struggles homeless people face, but as winter set in, he felt an even greater need to help.
"I know that there are a lot of homeless people on the streets and that a lot of people need help right now, especially in the winter," he says.
"They sleep rough, and it's really hard for them to sleep in the terrible weather. It can be quite serious sometimes."
Determined to make a difference
Determined to make a difference, Judah began raising funds just a week before the event. But his enthusiasm was contagious, and support poured in from his community, his church, and even strangers. He raised about £1,500 for LCM’s Homeless and Marginalised programmes.
"To everyone who donated, this is going to help the homeless," he says, grateful for the support.